Switching from EDS Waste to Mountain View Waste

We’ve had EDS Waste Solutions for a long time, probably about 8 years. But we spent a lot of time collecting all of our recycling in the basement and hauling it to the King Soopers recycling center. We really wanted Curb-Side recycling, which EDS offers, but for an additional cost, and you need to use your own containers.
Then we heard from some friends about Mountain View and that they offer free Curb-Side recycling and give you free cans too!! We’ve been using these really old trash cans, but they’re really beat up and falling apart and hard to haul around. When we found that Mountain View would bring us 2 free cans, we were sold and immediately switched.
The Recycling is great! Single Stream and they take just about everything. We’re OK with a small box of some recycling that we take to King Soopers every now and then. Mostly, we’ll need to take the non-corrugated cardboard, but beyond that, Single Stream, Curb-Side Recycling is a big WIN for us.
Thank you EDS for all the years of garbage Collection!
Thank you Mountain View for the new collection, Recycling and cans!
(A note to EDS: We’ve had several other families switch just because we did and the Mountain View deal is so good. If you had a similar deal, we would not have switched. It might be time to re-examine your offerings to be more competitive.)