So what ever happened to the “Damn” Bridge that was SOO convenient, yet a small handful of people found so offending that they protested so loudly as to actually have it removed! They said a couple things about it.

1. That it wasn’t ADA approved because the ramp was too steep.

2. That it was ugly.

First of all, none of the rest of the path around the lake is ADA approved, so why complain about one small section? Why not try to make the rest of the path approved. At least a wheelchair COULD have used the ramp even thought they couldn’t have used any other part of the path around the lake. And now that section is definitely NOT ADA approved.

Secondly, the only time you could really see the bridge was when you were driving around the north side of the damn and then it was only for about 4 seconds while driving around a curve that you should have been watching the road around anyway!

The least they could have done was to wait for a replacement bridge BEFORE making them tear it down. We only got to use the ramp a couple times before it got torn down, but boy did we like it! especially with a jogging stroller and with kids, the ramp was much easier, better and safer than the stairs.

My question to our town is not only when will the bridge be back, but when will there be another bridge on the other side of the damn?